
Autologon in Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008

To enable Autologon in Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008,
1. Click Start, search for “control userpasswords2″ and press enter.
2. Select the user from the list and uncheck “User must enter a user name and password to enter this computer” and click Apply and OK.


Citrix Provisioning - Importing Target Devices into a Collection

Importing Target Devices into a Collection

Updated: 2010-04-08
The Import Target Devices Wizard allows you to import target device information from a file. The target device information must first be saved as a .csv file, it can then be imported into a device collection.
Note: The .csv text file can be created with a .txt file, NotePad.exe or Excel. It contains one line per target device, which is formatted as follows:
where DeviceName=Name of new target device and MAC-Address= MAC address of new device; such as 001122334455, 00-11-22-33-44-55, or 00:11:22:33:44:55.
The wizard can be accessed from the farm, site, and device collection right-click menus. If accessed from the site or collection, only those target devices in the import file that match the site and collection by name, will be included in the import list.
The wizard also provides the option to automatically create the site or collection using the information in the file, if either does not already exist. There is also the option to use the default collection’s device template, if it exists for that collection.
A log file is generated with an audit trail of the import actions. The file is located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Citrix\Provisioning Services\log
To Import target devices into a Collection:
  1. In the Console, right-click on the device collection that the target devices should be imported to, then click Target Device>Import devices. The Import Target Devices Wizard displays.
  2. Type or browse for the file to import. The target device information is read from the file and displays in the table below. Information can include the target device name, MAC address, and optionally description.
  3. Highlight one or more target devices to import. If applying the collection template to the imported target devices, select the Apply collection template device when creating devices checkbox.
  4. Click Import to import the .csv text file containing target device information, into the selected collection. The status column indicates if the import was successful.

ref: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/provisioning-56/pvs-collections-device-import.html


Computer-00,00-13-72-QQ-88-22,Site,CyberArea, Rm1 ,

Citrix Provisioning - How to Export Target Devices to a .CSV File

Citrix Provisioning - How to Export Target Devices to a .CSV File



Change the Measurement Units in MS Word

In 2003 or earlier, go to Tools > Options > General and change
the "Measurement units" dropdown.
In 2007 and 2010, go to Office button >
Word Options > Advanced, scroll down to the Display section, and change the
same dropdown.


Product Activation and Key Information

Microsoft includes product activation technology in some products sold through the Volume Licensing channel. A product key is required to activate these products.
Note to Microsoft Volume Licensing customers: You can find your Volume License Product Keys at the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC).

Recent Changes to Volume Activation

With Volume Licensing for products such as Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Microsoft Office 2010, you must use a new type of product activation called Volume Activation (VA). To activate these operating systems with VA, you can use either a Multiple Activation Key (MAK) or Key Management Service (KMS), requiring a KMS key.
Read More about Volume Activation
Volume Activation is a product activation technology used to activate Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, Windows 7 and Office 2010. It is designed to allow Volume Licensing customers to automate the activation process in a way that is transparent to end users. Volume Activation applies to systems that are covered under a Volume Licensing program and is used strictly as a tool for activation and is in no way tied to license invoicing or billing.
Volume Activation provides two different models for completing volume activations. The first model is Key Management Service (KMS) and the second is Multiple Activation Key (MAK). KMS allows organizations to activate systems within their own network, while MAK activates systems on a one-time basis, using Microsoft’s hosted activation services. Customers can use either or both activation methods in their environment. The type of key entered in the product determines the activation method.
If you plan to deploy Windows 7 and/or Office 2010 using Key Management Service (KMS) as the activation method, please note:
  • Windows Server 2008 is not supported as a KMS host to activate Windows 7 and Office 2010.
    • A patch is available to allow activation of Windows 7 client machines. (A Windows Server 2008 R2 KMS key is required.)
    • A patch is not available to allow activation of Office 2010 clients.
  • If you are using Windows Server 2008 as a KMS host, here are your alternatives:
    • Upgrade the KMS host machine to Windows Server 2008 R2.
    • Downgrade the machine to Windows Server 2003.
    • Run the KMS host on a Windows 7 volume edition machine.
    • Run a Windows Server 2003 virtual machine on the Windows Server 2008 machine.
If your organization has fewer than 50 PCs, the best option is to use Multiple Activation Keys (MAK) with Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT).
While Microsoft makes every effort to cover all of its previous platforms for compatibility, new technologies may make it necessary to decide which previous versions will continue to be supported. Therefore, Windows Server 2008 is not covered as a platform as an Office 2010 KMS host.
Volume License Keys (VLK), including MAK and KMS, are issued to you under a specific license agreement and enable your organization to use the software that you have licensed.
VLKs can be used only with Volume Licensing products; they cannot be used with retail software or software that is preinstalled on a new computer (original equipment manufacturer, or OEM, products).
Learn about Volume Activation and how to activate systems using KMS and/or MAK.

ref: http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/existing-customers/product-activation.aspx 

Managing Microsoft KMS Volume Licensing



Provisioning Services and Microsoft Volume License Activation

This article describes Windows Server 2008 / Windows 7 Volume License Activation with Provisioning Services
Microsoft provides two forms of volume license activation for Vista:  Key Management Server (KMS) and Multiple Activation Key (MAK).  The choice of which form to use depends on whether Citrix standard-image mode is needed.
KMS Model: KMS volume license can be used with Provisioning Server for Desktops in either Private Image or Standard Image Mode.  Clients communicate to a central Key Management Server. Client machines identify themselves to the KMS by sending a hard-drive signature ID to the KMS.  
MAK Model: MAK activation, which requires that key and activation information be created and stored uniquely on each client (target device), is only compatible with Provisioning Server for Desktops in Private Image Mode, and only when each vDisk is built uniquely for each machine (vDisks cannot be cloned).  Because of these limitations, use of MAK’s for machines that are served by Provisioning Server for Desktops, is not recommended.

ref: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX124106


Resetting Catalyst Switches to Factory Defaults

ref: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps607/products_tech_note09186a00800c4546.shtml

Cat2950# write erase
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]y[OK]
Erase of nvram: complete
Cat2950# reload

System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: n    

!--- Do not save the configuration at this prompt. Otherwise, the switch
!--- reloads with the current running configuration and does not reset to default.

Proceed with reload? [confirm]y                              

2w0d: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested

C2950 Boot Loader (C2950-HBOOT-M) Version 12.1(11r)EA1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Compiled Mon 22-Jul-02 18:57 by antonino
WS-C2950G-12-EI starting...

!--- Output suppressed. 

32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.
Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:05:DC:C9:79:00
Motherboard assembly number: 73-5781-08
Motherboard serial number: FAB0515A069
Model revision number: 02
Model number: WS-C2950-24
System serial number: FAB0517Q00B

--- System Configuration Dialog ---

Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:n 
00:00:16: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan
00:00:21: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software 
IOS (tm) C2950 Software(C2950-I6Q4L2-M)Version 12.1(19)EA1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 09-Dec-03 00:12 by yenanh

Press RETURN to get started!

00:00:37: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Vlan1, changed state to administratively down
00:00:38: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan1, changed state to down



Correct chronological order of the old testament


The very text of the Old Testament is commonly printed in the wrong order. The true Hebrew chronological order of the Bible is not as printed, in most Bibles today. It is (per The Complete Jewish Bible), as follows:
HEBREW (Proper chronological order) GREEK (Common order)
Genesis (B’RESHEET) Genesis
Exodus (SH’MOT) Exodus
Leviticus (VAYIKRA) Leviticus
Numbers (B’MIDBAR) Numbers
Deuteronomy (D’VARIM) Deuteronomy
Joshua (Y’HOSHUA) Joshua
Judges (SHOF’TIM) Judges
1 Samuel (SH’MU’EL ALEF) Ruth
2 Samuel (SH’MU’EL BET) 1 Samuel
1 Kings (M’LAKHIM ALEF) 2 Samuel
2 Kings (M’LAKHIM BET) 1 Kings
Isaiah (YESHA’YAHU) 2 Kings
Jeremiah (YIRMEYAHU) 1 Chronicles
Ezekiel (YECHEZK’EL) 2 Chronicles
Hosea (HOSHEA) Ezra
Joel (YO’EL) Nehemiah
Amos (AMOS) Esther
Obadiah (OVADYAH) Job
Jonah (YONAH) Psalms
Micah (MIKHAH) Proverbs
Nahum (NACHUM) Ecclesiastes
Habakkuk (HAVAKUK) Songs of Solomon
Zephaniah (TZ’FANYAH) Isaiah
Haggi (HAGAI) Jeremiah
Zechariah (Z’KHARYAH) Lamentations
Malachi (MAL’AKHI) Ezekiel
Psalms (TEHILLIM) Daniel
Proverbs (MISHLEI) Hosea
Job (IYOV) Joel
Songs of Solomon (SHIR-HASHIRIM) Amos
Ruth (RUT) Obadiah
Lamentations (EIKHAH) Jonah
Ecclesiastes (KOHELET) Micah
Esther (ESTER) Nahum
Daniel (DANI’EL) Habakkuk
Ezra (EZRA) Zephaniah
Nehemiah (NECHEMYAH) Haggi
1 Chronicles (DIVREI-HAYAMIM ALEF) Zechariach
2 Chronicles (DIVREI-HAYAMIM BET) Malachi

ref: http://messianicgentiles.blogspot.com/2007/05/correct-chronological-order-of-old.html



Adding Paper Tray in HP 4700

HP 4700 is only 2 trays when you buy it, if you add more tray later, you can manually install the tray in the driver menu.


Cisco VLAN Command

Configuring from terminal, memory, or network [terminal]?
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL
PC-SW01(config)#interface giga
PC-SW01(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 2/0/47
PC-SW01(config-if)#switchport access vlan 6
PC-SW01(config-if)#switchport mod
PC-SW01(config-if)#switchport mode acc
PC-SW01(config-if)#switchport mode access
PC-SW01(config-if)#macro de
PC-SW01(config-if)#macro description de
PC-SW01(config-if)#macro description des
PC-SW01(config-if)#macro description desk
PC-SW01(config-if)#macro description desktop
PC-SW01(config-if)#macro description desktop-con
PC-SW01(config-if)#macro description desktop-config
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree port
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree bp
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree bpdug
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree bpduguard enable
PC-SW01(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 2/0/48
PC-SW01(config-if)#switchport access vlan 6
PC-SW01(config-if)#switchport mode access
PC-SW01(config-if)#macro description desktop-config
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree bp
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree bpdugu
PC-SW01(config-if)#spanning-tree bpduguard enable


Is XenApp 5 Support Windows 2008 R2?

Support Announcements

  • Server 2008 R2 is not supported by XenApp 5.0
  • XenDesktop 4 is not supported by Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Smart Auditor agents prior to 1.3 are not supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
  • XenApp Fundamentals 3.0 does not support Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2

ref: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX122601


login : Administator
pasword: Evaluation1
Domain: CTXS-XA1


Enabling Citrix Provisioning Server Verbose Boot Mode

So you have enabled every log level to trace within Provisioning Services and yet still want MORE! :) Try enabling the Streaming Services Verbose mode! This valuable diagnostic tool will give you valuable information during the boot process of your clients as they try to connect to the Provisioning Servers. To enable Verbose mode on the Streaming Service, run Provisioning Services Configuration Wizard and when you reach the Stream Servers Boot List, Click Advanced. From this Advanced properties screen, you can now enable Verbose Mode. Be careful in production environments though since clicking through this wizard will restart the provisioning services to enable the new configuration.


Once enabled, while clients are PXE booting, you will see the above diagnostic information. Great for troubleshooting and verifying that your DHCP/PXE environment is working correctly with Citrix Provisioning Server.

ref: http://www.vmwareinfo.com/2009/06/enabling-citrix-provisioning-server.html


error code 0x80072F8F

There's a KB article on it here if that helps:


Direct Path for iPhone SMS directory files (sms.db)


Export iPhone Text Messages to a Spreadsheet

Here's one messy way to do it:
  1. Jailbreak. First, you'll need to jailbreak your iPhone using these instructions (here's the Windows user version). Make sure you install OpenSSH (here's how) to make your iPhone accessible via SFTP.
  2. SFTP into the phone. Go to the phone's network settings, and view the details of the active connection. Write down the device's IP address. Using your favorite FTP client, SFTP into that IP address using the username root and password alpine.
  3. Download sms.db. Your text message database is located in /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db on your iPhone. Download that file to your computer.
  4. Open the SQLite database. That sms.db file is a SQLite database, which you can edit and view using free tools. Download one of those tools—the SQLite Database Browser—and install it on your computer. Open up the sms.db file, and click on the Browse Data tab. Choose the message table and you'll see your SMS history, and it'll look like this:
  5. Export to CSV. From the SQLite Database Browser's File menu, choose Export > Table to CSV file. Save the resulting comma-delimited file, and open it using your spreadsheet of choice (whether it's Excel or OpenOffice.org).

ref: http://lifehacker.com/399631/export-iphone-text-messages-to-a-spreadsheet

