
Kaspersky Security Center 9 - Administration server service terminates with error #1181

 *The error #1811 can be find at "Kaspersky event log" under "Event Viewer" > "Applications and Services Logs"


In certain cases an Administration server service may suddenly terminate with Kaspersky Event Log registering the following event:

Administration server stopped due to an error. #1181 (112) Input-output error 1181/0x70 ('System error 0x70 (Insufficient disk space.)')

You should do the following to restore the Administration server stability:
  • Check the system disk for errors and free space availability.
  • Delete the following file: %System Drive%:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\upd\rslt_lists.xml.

ref: http://support.kaspersky.com/7652