1.) Connect console cable
2.) Use terminal emulation program to connect to switch or router. The default settings should be: Bits Per Second: 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1, Flow Control: None. Connect
3.) Enter Privileged Exec mode via typing enable. The prompt with “>” dictates that it is “user” mode. Exec mode is “#”.
4.) Enter configure terminal mode by typing that in after enable (while in exec/privileged mode)or config t for short.
5.) Type in line vty 0 15 (meaning virtual telnet 0 – 15, 16 in all. You can set different passwords for different vtys. It is not limited to ONLY 0 15. Meaning ONLY 0-15.)
6.) Type “password *password*”, where the asterisks dictate what you want to set your password as.